Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If You're Still Here . . .

and I guess you are, because I got a lovely note from someone this morning telling me so . . .

1) Please visit my Advent blog, if you haven't already, here.

2) As I responded to the person who was kind enough to write, I have finally begun to imagine a framework for a book of some/a little/most/? of this material, so I was thinking about going private while I figure that out. But if this meets a need, I can leave it open.

3) If you have any suggestions, the comments are open.


Karen said...

YES. Most definitely. A book of this and more. You've got more than one in you, but this will be the hardest and the most helpful to fellow sufferers. I hope it will happen in the coming year. The world needs what you have to say.

Betsy said...

Please do leave it open! On the web, this is available in the middle of the night and in the middle of the nightmare...whenever needed. While I'd love to see a book also, this serves a slightly different and more immediate need.